
Showing posts from December, 2019
For my final post I wanted to talk about aging a little bit, but I also wanted to end with a reiteration of why these posts have meant so much to me. First off, aging seems like a strange topic to be writing about right? I personally try not to think too far ahead because the future can seem quite daunting and overwhelming. However, sometimes it is good to think about the future and what you want yours to look like. It is important that we make decisions now that will benefit us later on in our lives. Typically, there seems to be a fairly negative connotation surrounding the principle of aging. Maybe the first thought that comes to mind is getting old, becoming dependent, and less capable. This sort of lifestyle surely seems less than desirable, yet many elderly people are even happier than they were in their younger years. Why might someone who is older, actually be happier than when they were younger? It could be a number of things, but really depends on how they lived their live
Last week we talked a little bit about fathers and this week I wanted to focus more on parenting. More specifically, I wanted to discuss how important it is to develop a relationship with your children where you both can feel comfortable coming to each other, as well as posses a mutual respect and understanding. So what is the purpose of parenting? I believe it is to help children become disciples of Christ. I believe it is a very sacred and important calling that Heavenly Father has graciously trusted us with. It is very personal. Each child in each family is very different, and as such, requires different parenting techniques. In other words, your parenting style may have to vary from child to child. It is also essential to teach of Christ not only by word, but by action. This means showing your children how much you love Christ by the things you do each day. Transmit your righteous values and standard onto your children, so they may adopt similar Christlike behavior. Furthermore