Last week I touched on family systems, and I wanted to further discuss how families actually have their own cultures and traditions.When we think of culture we may just think of people from foreign countries that may wear very distinct items of clothing, or perform certain rituals among other things. However, there are also family cultures in each and every household. We may have certain traditions or just simple things we do in our family that are different from other households. In my house, it is normal for whoever dirtied a dish to clean it themselves. Whereas at some of my friends' houses, they have a designated person to wash the dishes that night or for that week. We also try as often as we can to sit down together as a family for dinner and typically discuss our days or how we can help each other out if someone is struggling. Other people may be either too busy to have family dinner or it is just custom for them to all eat on their own at different times. Some families enjo...
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