Hello everyone! Hope your week went well. My week has been fairly interesting as I have been learning some interesting things regarding the family- specifically in this modern age. Years and years ago, families looked and lived rather traditionally. Many families were typically comprised of a mother and a father, along with a few offspring. However as time progresses, the idea of what families are has begun to change. More men and women choose cohabitation rather than to be married. Children are more frequently brought up in homes where their parents are divorced or never married to begin with. Additionally, infertility rates have significantly increased. There are many reasons as to why divorce, infertility, and cohabitation households may be increasing. While watching a documentary entitled, “The New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter,“ I learned what some of these reasons are.

To start off, the sexual revolution became a significant part of history, as it entailed people turning away from previous traditional values toward more independent beliefs. Waiting to have sexual relations before marriage has become less of a priority and seems more of a restraint to people who disagree with certain Christian beliefs. The sexual revolution also goes hand-in-hand with the growing concept of individualism. As individualism increases, fertility rates decrease- resulting in fewer numbers of families. Perhaps people feel they would be “tied down” by children. I have seen firsthand many people in my generation alone, exclaim how they do not want children. They want to travel the world, do not want the responsibility or the expense of having kids of their own. For others, they convey their concern about bringing children into a world where there can be much sadness, violence, and negative influence. Perhaps they feel in adequate to teach their future children how to be successful and kind members of society. Perhaps they feel as though they would not be able to protect them.

Furthermore, the divorce revolution played a sizable role in changing families. It has become much cheaper to file for divorce, therefore making it more available and common. Affordable divorce ultimately results in more broken families. Fertility rates also decrease as couples do not wish to deal with the complications of having children, in case they do file for divorce. Additionally, the women’s revolution contributed to declining fertility rates. More young women begin going off to school, receiving degrees, and entering the workforce however, marriage seem to be an “afterthought.” Women have been marrying later and later, which decreases their chances of having children because pregnancy at an older age leads to more risk for both mother and child. Thus less women end up having children.

So what does this all mean? Why does it matter that families are different from how they used to be?

Population will eventually begin to decline. As people continue having fewer children, there will not be enough offspring to replace the older generations. From an economic standpoint, this is concerning because there is now a “modern inverted pyramid.” In other words, there are more older people than younger people. This results in less people to help care for older generations and less people to join the workforce. Some may argue that a smaller population would in fact be beneficial, as it would supposedly the better for the environment. However, it is actually how we live that ultimately affects the environment. Urbanization and growing populations would mean more minds to help solve global and environmental issues- more people working together to care for older generations, more people to make earth a better place for future generations.

Moreover, the children are greatly impacted by the change of families. Children with a married mother and father prove more successful in school and future relationships, than children who do not have two biological, married parents. Children need the stability that comes from “sound, predictable relationships,” as stated in the previously mentioned documentary. Despite the world’s ever-changing views, family remains important. It is extremely important to me, and it is my hope that people realize how powerful and amazing having a family can be. Be the one to bring children into a loving home where they will have their needs met. Regardless of the resources you may have, the doubts and fears you may have, be the one to give future generations a better start in life.


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