The topic I am going to write about this week may seem a little odd coming from an 18 year old who has never been married but I wanted to discuss the importance of intimacy and fidelity. Intimacy is dictated by God. It is not just a desire of the natural man that people should treat lightly. God has given us the gift of intimacy for us to be united with our spouse as husband and wife, and to bring His spirit children to this earth. It is one of His sacred gifts meant to bless our lives, and we must treat it as such. It is selfless, considerate, spiritual, an opportunity to work together, to be vulnerable, to grow. It is meant to be exclusive, set aside, for husband and wife. During marriage is it essential that they covenants they make with God are upheld and that they treat each other and God with immense respect and love. Getting to experience intimacy with solely the person you love more than anyone on earth is much more worth it than not reserving this physical and spiritual bond.

It may seem a little odd to express sexual intimacy as something spiritual but it is! It is a gift from God. However, Satan desires for us to believe it is the natural man who should take control, instead of a righteous desire to unite and create life. Satan tries to turn sexual intimacy into something that should be shared between anyone, something not sacred but simply an urge of the natural man. How could something God created in order to bring children into this life be evil? Satan turns it into a weapon against righteousness. He preys on any weaknesses we may have and exploits them in an effort to get us to follow him.

How can we combat the devils constant and persistent attacks on intimacy and marriage? Exercising complete fidelity to one's spouse will promote a healthy, fulfilling, and long lasting marriage where righteous sexual intimacy can be expressed. What is fidelity? Why is it important? According to a quick google search, fidelity is defined as "sexual faithfulness to a spouse or partner." However, it is so much more than that. Fidelity is loyalty, commitment, sanctity. It is loving your spouse with all your heart, might, mind, and strength. It is sacrifice and a rejection of unrighteous desires. The relationship between husband and wife can be so amazing and Christlike if fidelity is exercised. Fidelity is selfless and it is essential. In a marriage, it is so important that both spouses remain faithful. Not only should they abstain from sexual relations outside their marriage, but their thoughts should remain faithful as well.

Young couples preparing for marriage in the temple must realize they are not just going to the temple to be married. They are entering a covenant with each other and God. This covenant is one of the most important commitments they will make in this mortal life, and one that will continue after this life. This covenant requires them to demonstrate complete fidelity, open up about everything to one another- including sins and unrighteous desires. It means they are committed to each other and each other solely. It means lifting the other up and relying on each other's strengthens.

As we keep these sacred covenants, God will bless us with the strength to overcome temptations. We must remember that marriage will be a relationship between two imperfect people who are subject to temptation as it is part of this earthly life. We must also remember that God is apart of the relationship as well. As a perfect being who loves us perfectly, He will help and guide us. We must show Him and our spouse our desire to cultivate a righteous marriage and continually put forth the earnest effort to do so.


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