This week I wanted to discuss the importance of fatherhood. In today’s world, the role of a father can be a little undermined.  We have talked in previous blog entries about the different, but equally essential roles, both mother and father have in a family unit. By claiming “it does not matter who does what,” it significantly undermines the way Heavenly Father created male and females, mothers and fathers. For this post I wanted to solely focus on fathers, but do recognize the role and duties of a mother are just as beautiful and essential.

By design, males were created to possess certain attributes that will help them become the best father they can be for their family, if they put forth the effort. There are also specific duties that fathers must fulfill, while relying on Heavenly Father and their wives whenever they need help. I would like to recognize some of the most important attributes of a father based on a few articles I have read, as well as my own personal experience.

Fathers are extremely influential on the lives of their children- whether they realize it or not. Children require a strong male figure to assist them in their effort to be future well-behaved, mature, contributing citizens, students, and parents themselves. A home without the influence of a father already puts children at a disadvantage, when compared to households with a married mother and father. A father teaches his sons how to treat their mother, which will ultimately teach them how to treat their future wives.

In order to fulfill the duties fathers are asked to fulfill, a father must be determined. He must refuse to give up during times of trial for the benefit of not only the family, but for himself. Fathers need to be willing to overcome, or help the other members of their family overcome their tribulations. Fathers should not walk away from their families, just as our Heavenly Father never walks away from us.

That said, fathers must be willing to lean on others for the support they need. They cannot do it alone, and should work together with their wives to cultivate a happy and righteous environment to raise their children in. They also must turn to God for guidance, comfort, and strength to complete all He has asked of them.

Fathers are also asked to provide for their families. This can mean more than just financially, as certain circumstances can prevent fathers from being able to financially provide for their families. Providing means being willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their families. It means helping their wives and children with love and support. It means doing their best to give their families the best.

Love is the most important attribute father can possess, and allows all the previously mentioned attributes to be successfully demonstrated. Fatherly love significantly impacts the home, as it permits the Spirit to reside and provides a sense of comfort and peace. A father’s love helps to bring family members together and strengthens the family bonds.

I have been blessed with an earthly father that possesses all of these attributes and so many more. I know he loves me, my siblings, and my mother, more than I can imagine. He has never given up on himself or other members of our family when they have been struggling. He is always showing his love for us by trying to help us, even when we think we may not need it. My dad is one of the most important people in my life and I will always appreciate his example of love, righteousness, perseverance, determination, service, and strength.


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